Three Blind Mice We are an independent brand strategy graphic design studio. Our favorite thing to do is packaging but we also love creating catalogs, annual reports, point of sale, and advertising.
See how they run From the moment you call us you will see that not only are we into the details. – we run fast. We’ve been able to keep clients for decades because we can work miracles.
They all ran after the farmer’s wife Your job gets our complete attention. We find creative ways to reach your goals and stay within your budget. Our estimate includes several different directions from which you may choose. Together your business and ours refines the idea through several iterations until we create the solution together.
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife We cut your project’s problems into a manageable size so they can be solved shaped and molded into the big idea we present to you.
Have you ever seen such a sight in your life? Take a look at our past projects and you will see we are small and nimble enough to work within various industries and a range of materials.
As Three Blind Mice!
Let us tell your story.